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Rainbow Vacuum E2 Type 12 & E-2 e SERIES Rear Cover Parts

4.8 out of 5 based on 358 reviews.

This category covers the complete Rainbow E2 Type 12 Silver, and e2 Gold series as well as the E-2 e SERIES rear cover assembly that includes the cord caddy ears, retainer, and exhaust cover.

    Best Seller
    Screw, #8-10 x .64 Inch
    Screw, #8-10 x .64 Inch
    Item #: H571
    This small, common screw is used in multiple locations, including the R-8401 motor in PN-2 and early PN-2E power nozzles.
    Price: $0.26 USD
  • Cord Caddy Asm, E
    Item #:R7383
    Cord caddy assembly for the R7384 rear cover assembly that fits version ONE model E-2 (e SERIES™). If you have to take four screws out of the rear cover assembly to replace your HEPA filter, then this IS the correct part.
    Regular: $14.43 USD
    Online: $8.88 USD
  • Cord Caddy Ear, Left, E2
    Item #:R10523
    This left side cord ear fits the rear cover assembly and keeps the power cord in place. Compatible with the E2 Type 12 (e2 Silver, Gold), and late E-2 (e SERIES™) model.
    Price: $1.95 USD
  • Cord Caddy Ear, Right, E2
    Item #:R10522
    Right side of the cord ear that fits the R10597 rear cover assembly. It attaches to the E2 Type 12 (Silver, e2 Gold), and second version E-2 (e SERIES™) Rainbow. Note: Items H571 (2) and R10535 retainer are required to complete...
    Price: $1.95 USD
  • Exhaust Cover, E2
    Item #:R13430
    Exhaust vent plate for the model E2 Type 12 (Silver, e2 Gold) and E-2 (e SERIES™) Rainbow. This part has been improved over the years by first adding a cord wrap hook and then adding an opening behind the cord wrap hook to allow for...
    Price: $6.86 USD
  • Retainer, Cord Caddy, E2
    Item #:R10535
    This small retainer secures the cord caddy ears to the rear cover assembly. For the E2 Type 12, Silver, e2 Gold, and E-2 (e SERIES™) version 2.
    Price: $1.46 USD
  • Rear Cover Asm, E2
    Item #:R10597
    This rear cover assembly attaches to the back of your E-2 (e SERIES) Rainbow and contains the exhaust cover, the cord ears, and covers the HEPA filter.

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