Nationwide Pick-Up - Rainbow Vacuum Repair Service
  • US: 800-523-0510
  • Int: +1 301 791 9669
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Rexair Authorized Rainbow Vacuum Repair & Service Center

Everything you own needs basic maintenance sooner or later; your car, your air conditioner, and even your computer. So why not keep your Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner operating at peak performance?

rainbow authorized service optimizedWe repair more Rainbows than any other company in the world. Our factory-authorized repair technicians have the expert knowledge and experience needed to keep your vacuum running like new.

There are no gimmicks or empty promises, only reliable repair services from a name you can trust.

Current turnaround time average: 8 days

How does it work?

Watch our short video below which will explain what you need to do next to get your repair to us.

What we offer:

  • Rexair Factory Authorized Service Company
  • Nationwide pick-up service, with pick-ups as early as the next business day
  • 3-Year warranty on all parts and service
  • Use of only GENUINE Rainbow vacuum parts
  • $40+ parts (Covers labor and shipping both ways!)

Schedule a repair today!

Please fill out the form below, and an e-mail confirmation will be sent. CHECK your SPAM or JUNK folder if you do not see in your inbox.

There will be a .pdf attached in your e-mail, that we request you print out and include in your shipment. Read ALL instructions on the .pdf form.

You can also call our techs to get answers to any questions you may have. Their direct number is 301-791-9670.

You can send us up to 4 photo's. You can send more than 4 if you put them in a ZIP archive.
PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF or ZIP are accepted.

Repair Service is only available in United States

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