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Rainbow Vacuum Power Nozzle R-4375C Parts

4.9 out of 5 based on 2434 reviews.

R-4375CClean your carpet and area rugs like never before with the SE Power Nozzle! This handy attachment can be a real time saver when cleaning the home because it lets you go from one surface to the next without needing traditional mops or scrub brushes.

The R-4375C was available from 1990 through 1994 and was a nice improvement compared to the previous models because of the electric hose addition. This allowed you to switch from small attachments to the power nozzle with the same hose.

Below are images breaking down the complete R-4375C power nozzle. Click on each area of the system to get a more in-depth view.

Effective serial number 5000000 with a start date of April 1990 through serial number 5999999 and an end date of July 1994.

  • This category covers the complete R-4375 power nozzle assembly that includes the motor, brush roll, and pivot arm. Be sure to check your sole plate gasket as well as you belt. Both items can make a large difference with replacement.

  • This category covers the complete R-4375 power nozzle assembly that includes the electric hose, slide valve guide, and power cord.

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