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Rainbow Vacuum Power Nozzle Model R-1650C / R-1650A Parts

4.9 out of 5 based on 2232 reviews.

R-1650C / R-1650AWhether you need a new brush roll, or just need a belt for your R-1650 power nozzle, we can help! Find everything from the pilot light to a new motor just by clicking below and browsing for your part.

You can also use the search bar above to enter the part number for even faster results, or download the schematics to get a detailed view.

This model had two versions in the United States, so be sure to confirm if you have an R-1650A or an R-1650C.

Below are images breaking down the complete R-1650C or R-1650A power nozzle. Click on each area of the system to get a more in-depth view.

Effective serial number "?" with a start date of March 1980 through serial number 03999999 and an end date of April 1986.

  • This category covers the complete R-1650 power nozzle assembly that includes the motor, brush roll, and pivot arm. Be sure to check your sole plate gasket as well as you belt. Both items can make a large difference with replacement.

  • Effective serial number "?" with a start date of June 5th 1982 through serial number 03999999 and an end date of April 1986.

    This category covers the complete R-1650C power nozzle assembly that includes the hose, slide valve guide, and electric cord. This version uses a TWO prong power cord for connection to the Rainbow.

  • Effective serial number "?" with a start date of March 1980 through serial number "?" and an end date of June 4th 1982.

    This category covers the complete R-1650A power nozzle assembly that includes the hose, slide valve guide, and electric cord. This version uses a THREE prong power cord for connection to the Rainbow.

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