Nationwide Pick-Up - Rainbow Vacuum Repair Service
  • US: 800-523-0510
  • Int: +1 301 791 9669
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Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner Main Units

5 out of 5 based on 90 reviews.



Everyone in your family, including those with asthma and allergies, will appreciate the Rainbow® Cleaning System.

Independent laboratory testing has scientifically proven:

  • The Rainbow removes a significant amount of allergen from carpeting.
  • The allergen that is removed cannot escape. It stays in the water basin.
  • The Rainbow does not experience a reduction in allergen pick-up in a partially filled water basin.
  • The Rainbow user is not excessively exposed to allergen while emptying the water basin.

Need a replacement unit, or just looking for an extra Rainbow without all of the frills? We offer a number of main units that are perfect for replacing your existing one or to have an extra upstairs, in the basement, or garage.

New and refurbished units are available, making it easier than ever to find the right vacuum for your home.

We also offer credit on the return of your old unit. Let us know and we will include a return label in your order.

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