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Rainbow Vacuum Power Nozzle PN-2E Complete Assembly Parts

4.9 out of 5 based on 2801 reviews.

PN-2E (Silver)PN-2E (Gold)PN-2ESerial Number Location


There are FIVE different versions of the PN-2E power nozzle. Please look over each version closely to confirm what model you have.

Effective serial number 7000000 with a start date of August 5th 1998 through serial number 30079999 (rough estimate) and an end date of March 9th 2011.

  • Effective serial number 7763130 with a start date of July 13th 2005 through serial number 30079999 (rough estimate) and an end date of March 9th 2011.

    This category covers the complete PN-2E power nozzle Silver and late Gold version assembly that includes the motor, brush roll, and pivot arm.

  • Effective serial number 7645116 with a start date of March 26th 2004 through serial number 7763129 and an end date of July 12th 2005.

    This category covers the complete PN-2E power nozzle forth version assembly that includes the original motor, improved manifold, and improved sole plate.

  • Effective serial number 7617932 with a start date of December 9th 2003 through serial number 7645115 and an end date of March 25th 2004.

    This category covers the complete PN-2E power nozzle third version assembly that includes the original motor, manifold, and sole plate. This version PN-2E power nozzle DOES NOT include the circuit breaker or power light.

  • Effective serial number 7303305 with a start date of November 17th 2000 through serial number 7617931 and an end date of December 8th 2003.

    This category covers the complete PN-2E power nozzle second version assembly that includes the original motor, updated manifold, and sole plate. This design removed metal springs from the roller struts and designed them into one solid piece.

  • Effective serial number 7000000 with a start date of August 5th 1998 through serial number 7303304 and an end date of November 16th 2000.

    This category covers the complete PN-2E power nozzle original version assembly that includes the motor, manifold, and sole plate. This version has had several improvements. You can order the R11106 to make several of these updates.

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