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Screw, #8-32 x .50 Inch, R747, D3/D2

Low Price Guarantee - RainVac
Price: $0.23 USD
$100+ Orders Ship Free (48 states only)

Brand: Rainbow®
Manufacturer: Rexair
Item Number: H378
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Warranty: 3 Years
Weight: 0lbs 0.1oz

Screw, #8-32 x .50 Inch, R747, D3/D2
Screw, #8-32 x .50 Inch, R747, D3/D2

It is always a good idea to replace these screws that are used for the R747 flange as most times they will be very rusty.

Depending on the model and time frame that your unit was produced, you might find that your flange only has four screws. All new flanges have eight screw holes so be sure to order eight of these screws when servicing your Rainbow.

Original version of this screw was longer (image two) and would stick out the other side of the housing. This caused an issue if any rust would form on the end making it difficult to remove. The shorter screw keeps all threads in the motor housing and solved the issue.

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer 30 Day Money Back Guarentee Low Price Guarantee - RainVac

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