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AquaMate I Internal Expansion Faucet Adaptor Kit

This item is Discontinued... but we do get old inventory occasionally. You can add your e-mail to the box below to be notified when available.

Brand: Rainbow®
Manufacturer: Rexair
Item Number: R2090
Condition: New
Availability: Discontinued
Warranty: 3 Years
Weight: 0lbs 0.7oz

AquaMate I Internal Expansion Faucet Adaptor Kit

If you have a small opening in your faucet and the reducer adaptor does not work, then this item might do the trick.

  1. Inspect opening for spout. If opening is clear, proceed to step (2). If opening has a spring insert, remove it with a bent pin or clip by hooking the bent pin on the insert and pulling down. If faucet is equipped with screened screw-cap, remove by unscrewing it.
  2. Push adaptor into spout as far as possible. The adaptor should fit snugly in the spout. If adaptor fits loosely, unscrew slotted shaft from knurled nut and replace rubber sleeve with larger sleeve. If adaptor will not fit into spout, unscrew slotted shaft from knurled nut, remove rubber sleeve and brass washer, and replace rubber sleeve with smaller sleeve. Omitting the brass washer.
  3. Hold knurled nut stationary with one hand, turn slotted shaft to the left with a coin or screwdriver in slot until securely tightened.
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